====== .author ======
^ .author ^^
|{{ author.webp?500 |A book modified with .author to look like it was made by Notch.}}||
^Category|[[:No Category|none]]|
^In-game description|"Changes the author of a written book.\\ Requires creative mode.\\ \\ Syntax: .author "|
^[[:keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|none|
^Source code|[[w7src>net/wurstclient/commands/AuthorCmd.java]]|
.author is a [[:command|chat command]] that allows the user to modify the author of a written book.
This command only works while the user is holding a signed [[mc>written book]] in their main hand slot.
===== Syntax =====
Main article: [[Command Syntax]]
* ''.author '' Sets the author of the held book to ''''.\\ \\
* ''.author Notch'' Sets the author to Notch.\\ \\
===== Changes =====
|[[update:Wurst 2.1]]|Added ''.author''.|
{{tag>creative_mode_only NBT_data}}