====== Hack ======
A hack (a.k.a. "cheat", "mod", "module") in [[start|Wurst]] is a type of [[feature]] that can be enabled and disabled at the press of a button.
Hacks can be toggled using the [[ClickGUI]], [[Navigator]], [[TabGUI]], the [[cmd:.t]] command or by using a previously created [[keybind]].
When a hack is enabled, its name and sometimes other information is displayed in the [[HackList]].
===== List of Hacks =====
* [[AimAssist]]
* [[AirPlace]]
* [[AnchorAura]]
* [[AntiAFK]]
* [[AntiBlind]]
* [[AntiCactus]]
* [[AntiEntityPush]]
* [[AntiHunger]]
* [[AntiFire]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[AntiKnockback]]
* [[AntiPotion]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[AntiSpam]]
* [[AntiWaterPush]]
* [[AntiWobble]]
* [[ArrowDMG]]
* [[AutoArmor]]
* [[AutoBuild]]
* [[AutoComplete]]
* [[AutoDrop]]
* [[AutoEat]]
* [[AutoFarm]]
* [[AutoFish]]
* [[AutoLeave]]
* [[AutoLibrarian]]
* [[AutoMine]]
* [[AutoPotion]]
* [[AutoReconnect]]
* [[AutoRespawn]]
* [[AutoSign]]
* [[AutoSoup]]
* [[AutoSprint]]
* [[AutoSteal]]
* [[AutoSwim]]
* [[AutoSwitch]]
* [[AutoSword]]
* [[AutoTool]]
* [[AutoTotem]]
* [[AutoWalk]]
* [[BarrierESP]]
* [[BaseFinder]]
* [[Blink]]
* [[BlockHit]]
* [[BoatFly]]
* [[BonemealAura]]
* [[BowAimbot]]
* [[BuildRandom]]
* [[BunnyHop]]
* [[CameraDistance]]
* [[CameraNoClip]]
* [[CaveFinder]]
* [[ChatTranslator]]
* [[ChestESP]]
* [[ClickAura]]
* [[ClickGUI]]
* [[CMD-Block]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[CrashChest]]
* [[CrashTag]]
* [[CreativeFlight]]
* [[Criticals]]
* [[CrystalAura]]
* [[Derp]]
* [[Dolphin]]
* [[Excavator]]
* [[ExtraElytra]]
* [[FancyChat]]
* [[FastBow]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[FastBreak]]
* [[FastEat]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[FastLadder]]
* [[FastPlace]]
* [[FeedAura]]
* [[FightBot]]
* [[Fish]]
* [[Flight]]
* [[Follow]]
* [[ForceOP]]
* [[ForcePush]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[Freecam]]
* [[Fullbright]]
* [[Glide]]
* [[HandNoClip]]
* [[Headless]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[HeadRoll]]
* [[HealthTags]]
* [[HighJump]]
* [[home|/home]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[InfiniChat]]
* [[InstantBunker]]
* [[InvWalk]]
* [[ItemESP]]
* [[ItemGenerator]]
* [[Jesus]]
* [[Jetpack]]
* [[Kaboom]]
* [[Killaura]]
* [[KillauraLegit]]
* [[KillPotion]]
* [[Liquids]]
* [[LogSpammer]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[LSD]]
* [[MaceDMG]]
* [[MassTPA]]
* [[MileyCyrus]]
* [[MobESP]]
* [[MobSpawnESP]]
* [[MountBypass]]
* [[MultiAura]]
* [[NameProtect]]
* [[NameTags]]
* [[Navigator]]
* [[NewChunks]]
* [[NoBackground]]
* [[NoClip]]
* [[NocomCrash]]
* [[NoFall]]
* [[NoFireOverlay]]
* [[NoFog]]
* [[NoHurtcam]]
* [[NoLevitation]]
* [[NoOverlay]]
* [[NoPumpkin]]
* [[NoShieldOverlay]]
* [[NoSlowdown]]
* [[NoWeather]]
* [[NoWeb]]
* [[Nuker]]
* [[NukerLegit]]
* [[OpenWaterESP]]
* [[OP-Sign]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[Overlay]]
* [[Panic]]
* [[Parkour]]
* [[Phase]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[PlayerESP]]
* [[PlayerFinder]]
* [[PortalESP]]
* [[PortalGUI]]
* [[PotionSaver]]
* [[ProphuntESP]]
* [[Protect]]
* [[Radar]]
* [[RainbowUI]]
* [[Reach]]
* [[Regen]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[RemoteView]]
* [[Restock]]
* [[SafeWalk]]
* [[ScaffoldWalk]]
* [[Search]]
* [[SkinDerp]]
* [[Sneak]]
* [[SnowShoe]]
* [[Spammer]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
* [[SpeedHack]]
* [[SpeedNuker]]
* [[Spider]]
* [[Step]]
* [[TemplateTool]]
* [[Throw]]
* [[Tillaura]]
* [[Timer]]
* [[Tired]]
* [[TooManyHax]]
* [[TP-Aura]]
* [[Trajectories]]
* [[TreeBot]]
* [[TriggerBot]]
* [[TrollPotion]]
* [[TrueSight]]
* [[Tunneller]]
* [[VeinMiner]]
* [[X-Ray]]
* [[YesCheat+]] [//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]
==== Removed Hacks ====
Removed hacks no longer exist in current versions of Wurst.
* [[AntiMAC]]
* [[ArenaBrawl]]
* [[AutoAdSign]]
* [[Invisibility]]
* [[OnlyMobs]]
* [[OnlyPlayers]]
* [[ServerCrasher]]
* [[Tracers]]