====== NoShieldOverlay ====== NoShieldOverlay is a Minecraft hack that lowers the [[mc>shield]] overlay in first-person view, allowing the user to see things that would normally be behind the shield. The shield can also be lowered so far that it is no longer visible in first-person view at all. Regardless of NoShieldOverlay settings, the shield will continue to function as normal and other players will continue to see the shield in its normal position. NoShieldOverlay was originally created by [[gh>ThisTestUser]] in [[pr>Wurst7:849]]. ===== Settings ===== ==== Blocking offset ==== {{template>:template:slider |NAME="Blocking offset" |DESCRIPTION=""The amount to lower the shield overlay by when blocking."" |DEFAULT=0.5 |MIN=0 |MAX=0.8 |INCREMENT=0.01 }} ==== Non-blocking offset ==== {{template>:template:slider |NAME="Non-blocking offset" |DESCRIPTION=""The amount to lower the shield overlay when not blocking."" |DEFAULT=0.2 |MIN=0 |MAX=0.5 |INCREMENT=0.01 }} ===== Changes ===== {{template>:template:changes|FEATURE=noshieldoverlay}} {{tag>client-side PVP}}