====== Wurst-Imperium ====== The Wurst-Imperium (WI) is [[alexander01998|Alexander]]'s organization. It can be considered as the "brand" behind the Wurst Client. Website: https://www.wurstimperium.net/ ===== Members ===== * Owner, Founder, Lead Developer: [[Alexander01998]] * Lead Designer: Mr. Taco((Mr. Taco is listed on https://www.wizardhax.com/wurst/ as "Lead Designer", but it is unclear who Mr. Taco is or if he even exists at all.)) * Wurst [[Private Beta]] Testers: * gruenwald32 * Marka2000 ===== Projects ===== * [[start|Wurst Client]] (2014) * AltChecker (2014) * F*ck Cubik (2014) * Hook Manager (2015) * [[https://www.wolframclient.net/|Wolfram]] (2016) * [[https://bedfix.wurstclient.net/|Bedfix]] (2017) * [[https://forge.wurstclient.net/|ForgeWurst]] (2017) * [[https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wi-zoom|WI Zoom]] (2019) * [[https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mo-glass|Mo Glass]] (2019) * [[https://github.com/Wurst-Imperium/TranslationHelper|TranslationHelper]] (2023)