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autofarm [2020/12/29 03:19] – created alexander01998autofarm [2023/02/27 21:14] (current) alexander01998
Line 3: Line 3:
 <WRAP 516px> <WRAP 516px>
 ^  AutoFarm  ^^ ^  AutoFarm  ^^
-|{{ autofarm.webp?500 |Using AutoFarm to harvest a field of carrots.}}||+|{{ hack:auto:autofarm.webp?500x280 |Using AutoFarm to harvest a field of carrots.}}||
 ^Type|[[Hack]]| ^Type|[[Hack]]|
 ^Category|[[Blocks]]| ^Category|[[Blocks]]|
-^In-game description|"Harvests and re-plants crops automatically.\\ Works with wheat, carrots, potatoes, beetroots,\\ pumpkins, melons, cacti, sugar canes, kelp and\\ nether warts."|+^In-game description|"Harvests and replants crops automatically.\\ Works with wheat, carrots, potatoes, beetroots,\\ pumpkins, melons, cacti, sugar canes, kelp,\\ bamboo and nether warts."|
 ^[[keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|none| ^[[keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|none|
 +^Source code|[[w7src>net/wurstclient/hacks/AutoFarmHack.java]]|
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-[{{ :autofarm_node.webp?400|AutoFarm shows these diamond-shaped "nodes" on crops that it can re-plant. If the crop is later destroyed, AutoFarm will remember which type of seed to plant there.}}]+[{{ hack:auto:autofarm_node.webp?400|AutoFarm shows these diamond-shaped "nodes" on crops that it can re-plant. If the crop is later destroyed, AutoFarm will remember which type of seed to plant there.}}]
 AutoFarm is a Minecraft hack that automatically harvests and re-plants crops around the player. AutoFarm is a Minecraft hack that automatically harvests and re-plants crops around the player.
Line 24: Line 25:
   * [[mc>Sugar Cane]]   * [[mc>Sugar Cane]]
   * [[mc>Kelp]] (Minecraft 1.14+)   * [[mc>Kelp]] (Minecraft 1.14+)
 +  * [[mc>Bamboo]] (Minecraft 1.15.2+)
   * [[mc>Nether Wart]]   * [[mc>Nether Wart]]
Line 32: Line 34:
 ^Type|Slider| ^Type|Slider|
 ^In-game description|(none)| ^In-game description|(none)|
-^Default value|5.0+^Default value|5m
 The "Range" slider determines how far AutoFarm will reach to place and break blocks. The "Range" slider determines how far AutoFarm will reach to place and break blocks.
 +==== Replant ====
 +^  Replant  ^^
 +^In-game description|(none)|
 +^Default value|checked|
 +When "Replant" is disabled, AutoFarm will only harvest crops without replanting them.
 ===== Changes ===== ===== Changes =====
Line 44: Line 54:
 |[[update:Wurst 6.22]]|Added AutoFarm.| |[[update:Wurst 6.22]]|Added AutoFarm.|
 |[[update:Wurst 6.23]]|Added support for [[mc>nether warts]] to AutoFarm.| |[[update:Wurst 6.23]]|Added support for [[mc>nether warts]] to AutoFarm.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 6.35]]|Fixed AutoFarm breaking [[mc>Jack o'Lantern|jack’o’lanterns]].|
 |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre1]]|Temporarily removed AutoFarm.| |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre1]]|Temporarily removed AutoFarm.|
 |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre2]]|Re-added AutoFarm.| |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre2]]|Re-added AutoFarm.|
 |:::|Added support for [[mc>kelp]] to AutoFarm.| |:::|Added support for [[mc>kelp]] to AutoFarm.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.11]]|Added a "[[#Replant]]" checkbox to AutoFarm.|
 +|:::|AutoFarm and [[BonemealAura]] can now be used together to automatically farm stuff with [[mc>bone meal]].|
 +|:::|AutoFarm can now harvest [[mc>bamboo]].|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.12]]|[[AutoFarm]] now supports cocoa beans (Thanks to [[gh>JamesTheAwesomeDude]]!)|
 +|:::|Fixed AutoFarm's ESP glitching out when extremely far from spawn.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.13]]|Improved AutoFarm's speed when the "[[#Replant]]" checkbox is checked.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.15]]|Fixed a rare crash when using AutoFarm.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.15.2]]|Fixed another crash when using AutoFarm.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.18]]|Fixed AutoFarm not replanting [[mc>cocoa beans]] if they were planted on [[mc>stripped jungle log|stripped jungle logs]].|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.32]]|Fixed AutoFarm sometimes rendering everything in black.|
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +hack.name            : 
 +hack.image           : 
 +hack.category        : 
 +hack.in-game description : 
 +hack.default keybind : 
 +hack.source code     : 
 ---- ----
autofarm.1609211944.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/29 03:19 by alexander01998