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cmd:damage [2024/10/19 20:56] crapbasscmd:damage [2024/10/21 12:02] (current) alexander01998
Line 3: Line 3:
 <WRAP 516px> <WRAP 516px>
 ^  .damage  ^^ ^  .damage  ^^
-|{{ damage.webp?500 |}}|| 
 ^Type|[[:Command]]| ^Type|[[:Command]]|
 ^Category|[[:No Category|none]]| ^Category|[[:No Category|none]]|
Line 20: Line 19:
 Examples: Examples:
-  * ''.damage 7'' This deals 7 damage points (3.5 hearts) of damage..\\ \\ +  * ''.damage 7'' This deals 7 damage points (3.5 hearts) of damage.\\ \\ 
 ===== Changes ===== ===== Changes =====
 ^Version^Changes^ ^Version^Changes^
-|[[update:Wurst 1.14]]|''#540'' ''.damage'' command| +|[[update:Wurst 1.14]]|Added a ''.damage'' command| 
-|[[update:Wurst 2.18]]|We have updated the .damage command to make it bypass newer AntiCheat plugins. This new version of the damage bypass will work on any server, no matter if it's running vanilla Minecraft, Mineplex AntiCheat, Hypixel AntiCheat or NoCheat+.|+|[[update:Wurst 2.18]]|Updated the .damage command to make it bypass newer AntiCheat plugins, including Mineplex AntiCheat, Hypixel AntiCheat and NoCheat+.|
 |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre1]]|Temporarily removed ''.damage''.| |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre1]]|Temporarily removed ''.damage''.|
 |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre23]]|Re-added ''.damage''.| |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre23]]|Re-added ''.damage''.|
 |:::|**Note:** ''.damage'' can no longer apply more than 3.5 hearts of damage at once. To get around this, simply run the command multiple times.| |:::|**Note:** ''.damage'' can no longer apply more than 3.5 hearts of damage at once. To get around this, simply run the command multiple times.|
cmd/damage.1729371394.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/19 20:56 by crapbass