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cmd:say [2024/10/19 21:01] crapbasscmd:say [2024/10/21 12:00] (current) alexander01998
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 <WRAP 516px> <WRAP 516px>
 ^  .say  ^^ ^  .say  ^^
-|{{ say.webp?500 |}}|| 
 ^Type|[[:Command]]| ^Type|[[:Command]]|
 ^Category|[[:No Category|none]]| ^Category|[[:No Category|none]]|
 ^In-game description|"Sends the given chat message, even if it starts with a\\ dot.\\ \\ Syntax: .say <message>"| ^In-game description|"Sends the given chat message, even if it starts with a\\ dot.\\ \\ Syntax: .say <message>"|
-^[[:keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|H|+^[[:keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|H (for ''.say /home'')|
 ^Source code|[[w7src>net/wurstclient/commands/SayCmd.java]]| ^Source code|[[w7src>net/wurstclient/commands/SayCmd.java]]|
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 .say is a [[:command|chat command]] that sends a chat message, even if that message starts with a dot. .say is a [[:command|chat command]] that sends a chat message, even if that message starts with a dot.
-====== Text Tutorial ======+===== Usage ===== 
 Especially when using Wurst to cheat in PVP games, you might get into a situation where an admin will ask you to proof that you are not cheating by typing something like ''.legit'', ''.help'' or ''...'' into the chat. Especially when using Wurst to cheat in PVP games, you might get into a situation where an admin will ask you to proof that you are not cheating by typing something like ''.legit'', ''.help'' or ''...'' into the chat.
Line 24: Line 24:
 Main article: [[Command Syntax]] Main article: [[Command Syntax]]
-  * ''.say <message>'' Send a message in chat.\\ \\ +  * ''.say <message>'' Sends the given message in chat.\\ \\ 
 Examples: Examples:
-  * ''.say .legit'' Send ''.legit'' to the chat.\\ \\ +  * ''.say .legit'' Sends ''.legit'' to the chat.\\ \\ 
 ===== Changes ===== ===== Changes =====
 ^Version^Changes^ ^Version^Changes^
-|[[update:Wurst 2.15]]|We also added a tutorial button for ''.say''. If you haven't seen that tutorial yet, you can [find it right here](/wiki/Commands/say/).| +|[[update:Wurst 2.15]]|Added a tutorial button for ''.say''.| 
-|[[update:Wurst 6.11]]|Keybinds that don't start with a dot will now be interpreted as commands rather than chat messages. ([''.binds add h Hello world.''](https://wurst.wiki/cmd/binds) is no longer valid, but ''.binds add h .say Hello world.'' is.)| +|[[update:Wurst 6.11]]|Keybinds that don't start with a dot will now be interpreted as commands rather than chat messages. (''.binds add h Hello world.'' is no longer valid, but ''.binds add h .say Hello world.'' is.)| 
-|:::|In addition to using '';'' in keybinds to separate multiple hacks/commands, one can now also use '';;'' to run a single command that contains '';''. ([''.binds add h .say Hello;; world.''](https://wurst.wiki/cmd/binds) is now valid and will output ''Hello; world.'' when pressed.)| +|:::|In addition to using '';'' in keybinds to separate multiple hacks/commands, one can now also use '';;'' to run a single command that contains '';''. (''.binds add h .say Hello;; world.'' is now valid and will output ''Hello; world.'' when pressed.)| 
-|[[update:Wurst 7.25]]|On servers with chat preview enabled, [.say](https://wurst.wiki/cmd/say) will now send spoofed preview data to make it look like a legit message. (22w19a and later versions)| +|[[update:Wurst 7.25]]|On servers with chat preview enabled, ''.say'' will now send spoofed preview data to make it look like a legit message. (22w19a and later versions)| 
-|[[update:Wurst 7.27]]|Fixed ''.gm'', ''.say'', ForceOP, /home and MassTPA sending their /commands as a chat message instead of running the command. (MC 1.19+) (Thanks to <a href="https://github.com/pcm1k">pcm1k</a>!)|+|[[update:Wurst 7.27]]|Fixed ''.gm'', ''.say'', ForceOP, /home and MassTPA sending their /commands as a chat message instead of running the command. (MC 1.19+) (Thanks to [[gh>pcm1k]]!)|
cmd/say.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/21 12:00 by alexander01998