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other_feature [2020/11/12 23:27] – [List of Other Features] add VanillaSpoof alexander01998other_feature [2024/09/19 15:16] (current) alexander01998
Line 8: Line 8:
   * [[AltManager]]   * [[AltManager]]
 +  * [[Banned Server Bypass]]
   * [[BookHack]]   * [[BookHack]]
   * [[Changelog]]   * [[Changelog]]
Line 15: Line 16:
   * [[Last Server]]   * [[Last Server]]
   * [[Middle Click Friends]]   * [[Middle Click Friends]]
 +  * [[NoChatReports]] <sup>[//[[:Wurst 7]] only//]</sup>
 +  * [[NoTelemetry]] <sup>[//[[:Wurst 7]] only//]</sup>
   * [[Reconnect]]   * [[Reconnect]]
   * [[ServerFinder]]   * [[ServerFinder]]
-  * [[Server CleanUp]] +  * [[CleanUp]] 
-  * [[TabGui]]+  * [[TabGUI]]
   * [[Target]]   * [[Target]]
   * [[VanillaSpoof]]   * [[VanillaSpoof]]
 +  * [[WikiDataExport]]
   * [[Wurst-Bot]]   * [[Wurst-Bot]]
   * [[Wurst Capes]]   * [[Wurst Capes]]
Line 26: Line 30:
   * [[YesCheat+]]   * [[YesCheat+]]
   * [[Zoom]]   * [[Zoom]]
 +==== Removed Features ====
 +Removed features no longer exist in current versions of Wurst.
 +  * [[SessionStealer]]
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +hack.name            : 
 +hack.image           : 
 +hack.category        : 
 +hack.in-game description : 
 +hack.default keybind : 
 +hack.source code     : 
 ---- ----
other_feature.1605223651.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/12 23:27 by alexander01998