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clickgui [2021/08/05 17:20] alexander01998clickgui [2023/02/27 13:11] (current) alexander01998
Line 3: Line 3:
 <WRAP 516px> <WRAP 516px>
 ^  ClickGUI  ^^ ^  ClickGUI  ^^
-|{{ update:forgewurst_0.1_beta_540p.webp?500 |ClickGUI in ForgeWurst v0.1 Beta.}}||+|{{ hack:clickgui:clickgui.webp?500x280 |ClickGUI in Wurst v7.30 MC1.19.2.}}||
 ^Type|[[Hack]]| ^Type|[[Hack]]|
 ^Category|[[No Category|none]]| ^Category|[[No Category|none]]|
 ^In-game description|"Window-based ClickGUI."| ^In-game description|"Window-based ClickGUI."|
 ^[[keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|Right CTRL<sup>[//[[:Wurst 7]]//]</sup>| ^[[keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|Right CTRL<sup>[//[[:Wurst 7]]//]</sup>|
-|:::|Left CTRL or Right CTRL<sup>[//[[:Wurst 6]]//]</sup>+|:::|Left CTRL or Right CTRL<sup>[//[[:Wurst 6]] and [[:ForgeWurst]]//]</sup>
-|:::|Left CTRL or Right CTRL<sup>[//[[:ForgeWurst]]//]</sup>|+^Source code|[[w7src>net/wurstclient/hacks/ClickGuiHack.java]]|
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +[{{ update:forgewurst_0.1_beta_540p.webp?400|ClickGUI in [[update:ForgeWurst 0.1 Beta]], which was the first release to use modern ClickGUI's codebase.}}]
 +[{{ hack:clickgui:clickgui_wurst_1.3pre3_dev_screenshot.webp?400|A screenshot of ClickGUI taken during the development of [[update:Wurst 1.3pre3]]. This version is still based on the Darkstorm API, but looks much closer to modern versions.}}]
 +[{{ hack:clickgui:clickgui_wurst_1.4_beta.webp?400|ClickGUI in [[update:Wurst 1.4 Beta]]. The ON/OFF buttons were later removed again.}}]
 +[{{ update:wurst_1.1_beta_540p.webp?400|ClickGUI in [[update:Wurst 1.1 Beta]], based on the Darkstorm API.}}]
 +[{{ hack:clickgui:clickgui_keybind.webp?400|Visualization of the default Right CTRL -> ClickGUI keybind on an ANSI 104 keyboard.}}]
 ClickGUI is a Minecraft hack that allows the user to enable and disable other hacks. ClickGUI is a Minecraft hack that allows the user to enable and disable other hacks.
 +When opened, ClickGUI displays a window for each [[Category]], which then contains a list of every feature in that category. Each window can be moved around, minimized, or pinned. Pinned windows are also displayed when ClickGUI is closed, however they can still only be interacted with while ClickGUI is open.
 +ClickGUI does not have a window for [[no category|uncategorized features]]. Such features can only be viewed in the [[Navigator]] GUI.
 +Every feature in a window has a button that allows the user to turn that feature on or off. The button turns green whenever the feature is enabled. Some features also show an arrow next to the button. When clicked, this opens up a new window with additional settings for that feature.
 ===== Settings ===== ===== Settings =====
 +==== Background ====
 +^  Background  ^^
 +|{{ hack:clickgui:clickgui_bg.webp?500x200 |Changing the ClickGUI Background setting to red.}}||
 +^In-game description|"Background color"|
 +^Default value|#404040 (dark gray)|
 +The "Background" setting allows the user to customize the color of the background of windows in ClickGUI and [[Navigator]].
 +==== Accent ====
 +^  Accent  ^^
 +|{{ hack:clickgui:clickgui_ac.webp?500x200 |Changing the ClickGUI Accent setting to red.}}||
 +^In-game description|"Accent color"|
 +^Default value|#101010 (very dark gray)|
 +The "Accent" setting allows the user to customize the color of the borders around buttons, sliders, and other elements in ClickGUI and [[Navigator]], as well as the color of the title bar of windows in ClickGUI.
 +==== Text ====
 +^  Text  ^^
 +^In-game description|"Text color"|
 +^Default value|#F0F0F0 (almost white)|
 +The "Text" setting allows the user to customize the color of text in ClickGUI, [[Navigator]], and [[TabGUI]].
 ==== Opacity ==== ==== Opacity ====
Line 20: Line 62:
 ^Type|Slider| ^Type|Slider|
 ^In-game description|(none)| ^In-game description|(none)|
-^Default value|0.5+^Default value|50%
-^Minimum|0.15| +^Minimum|15%
-^Maximum|0.85| +^Maximum|85%
-"Opacity" controls how opaque or transparent the ClickGUI are. Lower Opacity values make it easier to see through the ClickGUI windows, while higher Opacity values make it easier to see the windows themselves.+"Opacity" controls how opaque or transparent the ClickGUI windows are. Lower Opacity values make it easier to see through the ClickGUI windows, while higher Opacity values make it easier to see the windows themselves.
-==== BG red ==== +==== Tooltip opacity ==== 
-^  BG red  ^^+^  Tooltip opacity  ^^
 ^Type|Slider| ^Type|Slider|
-^In-game description|"Background red"+^In-game description|(none)
-^Default value|64.0+^Default value|75%
-==== BG green ==== +"Tooltip opacitycontrols how opaque or transparent the tooltips in ClickGUI and [[Navigator]] areLower Opacity values make it easier to see through the tooltips, while higher Opacity values make it easier to read the tooltips themselves.
-^  BG green  ^^ +
-^Type|Slider| +
-^In-game description|"Background green"+
-^Default value|64.0| +
-^Minimum|0.0| +
-^Maximum|255.0| +
-==== BG blue ==== +==== Max height ==== 
-^  BG blue  ^^+^  Max height  ^^
 ^Type|Slider| ^Type|Slider|
-^In-game description|"Background blue"| +^In-game description|"Maximum window height\\ 0 = no limit"| 
-^Default value|64.0+^Default value|200px
-^Minimum|0.0+^Minimum|0px (unlimited)
-==== AC red ==== +The "Max heightsetting controls the maximum height of windows in ClickGUIIf a window is too tall, it will automatically be resized to fit within the maximum height and a scrollbar will be added to the right side of the windowIf the maximum height is set to 0, windows will not be resized and no scrollbars will be added, even if the window is too tall to fit on the screen.
-^  AC red  ^^ +
-^Type|Slider| +
-^In-game description|"Accent red"+
-^Default value|16.0| +
-^Maximum|255.0| +
-==== AC green ==== +The "pixelsused in the "Max height" setting are relative to Minecraft's GUI scaleFor example, if the GUI scale is set to 2, then a Max height of 100 pixels allows the window to be 200 real pixels tallAt a GUI scale of 3, the same window would be 300 pixels tall.
-^  AC green  ^^ +
-^Type|Slider| +
-^In-game description|"Accent green"+
-^Default value|16.0| +
-^Minimum|0.0| +
-^Maximum|255.0| +
-==== AC blue ==== +==== Max settings height ==== 
-^  AC blue  ^^+^  Max settings height  ^^
 ^Type|Slider| ^Type|Slider|
-^In-game description|"Accent blue"| +^In-game description|"Maximum height for settings windows\\ 0 = no limit"| 
-^Default value|16.0+^Default value|200px
-^Minimum|0.0+^Minimum|0px (unlimited)
 +The "Max settings height" setting controls the maximum height of settings windows in ClickGUISettings windows are the windows that are opened by clicking on the arrow next to a feature's button. Unlike normal windows, settings windows always have an "X" button in the top right corner, which closes the window. 
 +If a settings window is too tall, it will automatically be resized to fit within the maximum height and a scrollbar will be added to the right side of the window. If the maximum height is set to 0, settings windows will not be resized and no scrollbars will be added, even if the window is too tall to fit on the screen. 
 +Just like the "Max height" setting, the "pixels" used in the "Max settings height" setting are relative to Minecraft's GUI scale.
 ===== Changes ===== ===== Changes =====
Line 108: Line 135:
 |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre13]]|Fixed ClickGUI not responding to mouse scrolling.| |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre13]]|Fixed ClickGUI not responding to mouse scrolling.|
 |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre15]]|Fixed ClickGUI and [[Navigator]] not rendering properly in snapshot versions.| |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre15]]|Fixed ClickGUI and [[Navigator]] not rendering properly in snapshot versions.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.17]]|Replaced the sliders for ClickGUI's background and accent colors with [[ColorSettings]]. (Thanks to [[gh>hiddenalt-team]]!)|
 +|:::|Fixed settings windows in ClickGUI sometimes opening at the wrong position.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.19]]|Added a "[[#Tooltip opacity]]" setting to ClickGUI.|
 +|:::|Added a "[[#Text color]]" setting to ClickGUI.|
 +|:::|Renamed the "[[#BG]]" setting in ClickGUI to "[[#Background]]".|
 +|:::|Renamed the "[[#AC]]" setting in ClickGUI to "[[#Accent]]".|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.20]]|Fixed ClickGUI sometimes rendering the title bar of a window with 100% opacity, regardless of settings.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.31]]|Added a shortcut to open the [[Keybind Manager]] from within [[Navigator]] or ClickGUI.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.32]]|Added a "Max height" slider to ClickGUI.|
 +|:::|Added a "Max settings height" slider to ClickGUI.|
 ^  ForgeWurst  ^^ ^  ForgeWurst  ^^
 |[[update:ForgeWurst 0.1 Beta]]|Added ClickGUI.| |[[update:ForgeWurst 0.1 Beta]]|Added ClickGUI.|
Line 114: Line 151:
 |[[update:ForgeWurst 0.9 Beta]]|Added a button to the [[mc>inventory]] screen that opens the ClickGUI.| |[[update:ForgeWurst 0.9 Beta]]|Added a button to the [[mc>inventory]] screen that opens the ClickGUI.|
-{{tag>client-side}}+{{tag>client-side has_colorsetting}}
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +hack.name            : 
 +hack.image           : 
 +hack.category        : 
 +hack.in-game description : 
 +hack.default keybind : 
 +hack.source code     : 
 ---- ----
clickgui.1628184041.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/05 17:20 by alexander01998