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hacklist [2021/09/22 09:03] – created alexander01998hacklist [2021/12/19 16:40] (current) alexander01998
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== HackList ====== ====== HackList ======
 +<WRAP center round info>
 +This article is about the HackList feature. For the list of all hacks in Wurst, see [[hack#list_of_hacks]].
 <WRAP 516px> <WRAP 516px>
Line 6: Line 9:
 ^Type|[[:Other Feature]]| ^Type|[[:Other Feature]]|
 ^Category|[[:No Category|none]]| ^Category|[[:No Category|none]]|
-^In-game description|"Shows a list of active hacks on the screen.\\ The **Left** position should only be used while TabGui is\\ disabled."|+^In-game description|"Shows a list of active hacks on the screen."|
 ^[[:keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|none| ^[[:keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|none|
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 17: Line 20:
 ^  Mode  ^^ ^  Mode  ^^
 ^Type|Enum| ^Type|Enum|
-^In-game description|"**Auto** mode renders the whole list if it\\ fits onto the screen.\\ **Count** mode only renders the number\\ of active hacks.\\ **Hidden** mode renders nothing."|+^In-game description|"**Auto** mode renders the whole list if it fits onto the screen.\\ **Count** mode only renders the number of active hacks.\\ **Hidden** mode renders nothing."|
 ^Default value|Auto| ^Default value|Auto|
 ^Possible values|Auto, Count, Hidden| ^Possible values|Auto, Count, Hidden|
Line 24: Line 27:
 ^  Position  ^^ ^  Position  ^^
 ^Type|Enum| ^Type|Enum|
-^In-game description|(none)|+^In-game description|"Which side of the screen the HackList should be shown on.\\ Change this to **Right** when using TabGUI."|
 ^Default value|Left| ^Default value|Left|
 ^Possible values|Left, Right| ^Possible values|Left, Right|
-"Position" determines whether the HackList is shown on the left side of the screenunder the [[Wurst Logo]], or on the right side of the screen. If "Position" is checked while [[TabGUI]] is enabled, HackList and TabGUI will overlap each other. For this reason, it is recommended to change the "Position" setting to "Right" when using TabGUI.+"Position" determines whether the HackList is shown on the left side of the screen (under the [[Wurst Logo]]), or on the right side of the screen. If "Position" is set to "Left" while [[TabGUI]] is enabled, HackList and TabGUI will overlap each other. For this reason, it is recommended to change the "Position" setting to "Right" when using TabGUI. 
 +==== Color ==== 
 +^  Color  ^^ 
 +^In-game description|"Color of the HackList text.\\ Only visible when RainbowUI is disabled."
 +^Default value|#FFFFFF|
 ==== Sort by ==== ==== Sort by ====
Line 34: Line 43:
 |  {{:hacklist_sorting_500w.webm||loop,autoplay}}  || |  {{:hacklist_sorting_500w.webm||loop,autoplay}}  ||
 ^Type|Enum| ^Type|Enum|
-^In-game description|(none)|+^In-game description|"Determines how the HackList entries are sorted.\\ Only visible when Mode is set to Auto."|
 ^Default value|Name| ^Default value|Name|
 ^Possible values|Name, Width| ^Possible values|Name, Width|
Line 43: Line 52:
 ^In-game description|(none)| ^In-game description|(none)|
 ^Default value|not checked| ^Default value|not checked|
 +When checked, this reverses the sorting done by the [[#Sort by]] setting.
 ==== Animations ==== ==== Animations ====
 ^  Animations  ^^ ^  Animations  ^^
 ^Type|Checkbox| ^Type|Checkbox|
-^In-game description|(none)|+^In-game description|"When enabled, entries slide into and out of the HackList as hacks are enabled and disabled."|
 ^Default value|checked| ^Default value|checked|
Line 69: Line 80:
 |[[update:Wurst 7.17]]|Added "Sort by" and "Reverse sorting" settings to HackList. Allows you to customize how hacks in the HackList are sorted.| |[[update:Wurst 7.17]]|Added "Sort by" and "Reverse sorting" settings to HackList. Allows you to customize how hacks in the HackList are sorted.|
 |:::|Fixed HackList glitching out for a split-second when opening ClickGUI.| |:::|Fixed HackList glitching out for a split-second when opening ClickGUI.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.17.1]]|Fixed duplicate entries in HackList when the HackList [[#Animations]] checkbox is unchecked.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.19]]|Added a "[[#Color]]" setting to HackList.|
 +|:::|Improved various tooltips in and around the HackList feature.|
 +{{tag>client-side has_colorsetting}}
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +hack.name            : 
 +hack.image           : 
 +hack.category        : 
 +hack.in-game description : 
 +hack.default keybind : 
 +hack.source code     : 
 ---- ----
hacklist.1632301380.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/22 09:03 by alexander01998