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killaura [2022/04/08 14:48] alexander01998killaura [2023/02/26 14:14] (current) alexander01998
Line 21: Line 21:
 ===== Settings ===== ===== Settings =====
-==== Use Attack Cooldown as Speed==== 
-^  Use Attack Cooldown as Speed <sup>[//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]</sup>  ^^ 
-^In-game description|(none)| 
-^Default value|checked| 
-When checked, the "Use Attack Cooldown as Speed" checkbox disables the "Speed" slider and instead dynamically calculates the speed based on the [[mc>attack cooldown]], such that each attack will deal the full possible damage. 
-In [[:Wurst 7]], Killaura's speed is always calculated dynamically based on the [[mc>attack cooldown]]. 
-==== Speed ==== 
-^  Speed <sup>[//[[:Wurst 6]] only//]</sup>  ^^ 
-^In-game description|(none)| 
-^Default value|12| 
-In [[Wurst 6]], when the "Use Attack Cooldown as Speed" checkbox is not checked, the "Speed" slider determines how many times per second Killaura will try to attack the target((This is sometimes called APS or CPS in other clients.)). 
 ==== Range ==== ==== Range ====
Line 51: Line 30:
 ^Maximum|10| ^Maximum|10|
 ^Increment|0.05| ^Increment|0.05|
 +===== =====
 ==== Priority ==== ==== Priority ====
Line 75: Line 57:
 ==== Damage indicator ==== ==== Damage indicator ====
 +[{{ killaura_damage_indicator.webp?400|Example of Killaura's damage indicator visualizing the remaining [[mc>health]] of a [[mc>creeper]].}}]
 <WRAP 516px> <WRAP 516px>
 ^  Damage indicator  ^^ ^  Damage indicator  ^^
-|{{ killaura_damage_indicator.webp?500 |Example of Killaura's damage indicator visualizing the remaining health of a creeper.}}|| 
 ^Type|Checkbox| ^Type|Checkbox|
 ^In-game description|"Renders a colored box within the target, inversely proportional to its remaining health."| ^In-game description|"Renders a colored box within the target, inversely proportional to its remaining health."|
 ^Default value|checked| ^Default value|checked|
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +===== =====
 ==== Hit through walls ==== ==== Hit through walls ====
Line 91: Line 78:
 When checked, Killaura will only attack if the player has line-of-sight to the target. This helps with bypassing AntiCheat plugins but can sometimes cause problems when the target is behind [[mc>tall grass]] or similar blocks. When checked, Killaura will only attack if the player has line-of-sight to the target. This helps with bypassing AntiCheat plugins but can sometimes cause problems when the target is behind [[mc>tall grass]] or similar blocks.
-==== Filter players ==== +==== Filters ====
-^  Filter players  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack other players."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter sleeping ==== +
-^  Filter sleeping  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack sleeping players."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter flying ==== +
-^  Filter flying  ^^ +
-^Type|Slider| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack players that\\ are at least the given\\ distance above ground."+
-^Default value|0| +
-^Minimum|0| +
-^Maximum|2| +
-^Increment|0.05| +
- +
-A value of ''0'' disables this filter. +
- +
-==== Filter monsters ==== +
-^  Filter monsters  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack zombies, creepers, etc."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter pigmen ==== +
-^  Filter pigmen  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack zombie pigmen."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter endermen ==== +
-^  Filter endermen  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack endermen."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter animals ==== +
-^  Filter animals  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack pigs, cows, etc."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter babies ==== +
-^  Filter babies  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack baby pigs,\\ baby villagers, etc."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter pets ==== +
-^  Filter pets  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack tamed wolves,\\ tamed horses, etc."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter traders ==== +
-^  Filter traders  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack villagers, wandering traders, etc."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter golems ==== +
-^  Filter golems  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack iron golems,\\ snow golems and shulkers."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter invisible ==== +
-^  Filter invisible  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack invisible entities."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter named ==== +
-<WRAP 516px> +
-^  Filter named  ^^ +
-|{{ ::filter_named.webp?500 |Killaura's "Filter named" setting}}|| +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack name-tagged entities."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
-^Supported Minecraft versions|1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.15.2, 1.14.4 (since [[update:Wurst 7.6]])\\ 1.12 - 1.12.2, 1.8 - 1.8.9 (since [[update:Wurst 6.34]])| +
-</WRAP> +
- +
-==== Filter armor stands ==== +
-^  Filter armor stands  ^^ +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack armor stands."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
- +
-==== Filter end crystals ==== +
-<WRAP 516px> +
-^  Filter end crystals  ^^ +
-|{{ :killaura_filter_end_crystals.webp?500 |Killaura's "Filter end crystals" setting}}|| +
-^Type|Checkbox| +
-^In-game description|"Won't attack end crystals."+
-^Default value|not checked| +
-^Supported Minecraft versions|1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.15.2, 1.14.4 (since [[update:Wurst 7.5]])\\ 1.12 - 1.12.2, 1.8 - 1.8.9 (since [[update:Wurst 6.34]])| +
-</WRAP> +
- +
-When this checkbox is unchecked (as it is by default), Killaura will attack [[mc>end crystals]].+
-Some other clients create a separate "CrystalAura" or "AutoCrystal" hack to get this functionality, but Wurst doesn't need to do this because its settings are powerful enough to integrate CrystalAura functionality into Killaura itself.+Killaura uses the [[Generic Combat Filter List]].
-When the [[#Priority]] setting is set to "Health", Killaura will attack all other entities in range before attacking end crystals. This is not the case when Priority is set to "Angle" or "Distance". 
 ===== Changes ===== ===== Changes =====
 ^Version^Changes^ ^Version^Changes^
Line 253: Line 136:
 |[[update:Wurst 7.21]]|Re-added the [[#FOV]] setting in Killaura.| |[[update:Wurst 7.21]]|Re-added the [[#FOV]] setting in Killaura.|
 |[[update:Wurst 7.23]]|Added a "[[#Damage indicator]]" checkbox to Killaura and [[KillauraLegit]]. (Thanks to [[gh>sudofox]]!)| |[[update:Wurst 7.23]]|Added a "[[#Damage indicator]]" checkbox to Killaura and [[KillauraLegit]]. (Thanks to [[gh>sudofox]]!)|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.27]]|Added a "[[#Pause on containers]]" setting to Killaura.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.32]]|Generally improved the aiming logic. All hacks that aim at things should now be a little bit harder for anti-cheat plugins to detect.|
 ^  ForgeWurst  ^^ ^  ForgeWurst  ^^
 |[[update:ForgeWurst 0.1 Beta]]|Added Killaura.| |[[update:ForgeWurst 0.1 Beta]]|Added Killaura.|
Line 261: Line 146:
 |[[update:ForgeWurst 0.7 Beta]]|Fixed Killaura's "[[#Filter flying]]" setting filtering out all [[mc>players]]. (MC 1.10.2)| |[[update:ForgeWurst 0.7 Beta]]|Fixed Killaura's "[[#Filter flying]]" setting filtering out all [[mc>players]]. (MC 1.10.2)|
-{{tag>PVP}}+{{tag>PVP has_attack_speed has_pause_on_containers has_generic_combat_filters}}
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +hack.name            : 
 +hack.image           : 
 +hack.category        : 
 +hack.in-game description : 
 +hack.default keybind : 
 +hack.source code     : 
 ---- ----
killaura.1649429295.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/08 14:48 by alexander01998