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nochatreports [2024/03/23 18:14] – Update link to Fabulously Optimized Chat Reports FAQ alexander01998nochatreports [2024/10/09 09:29] (current) alexander01998
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 ====== NoChatReports ====== ====== NoChatReports ======
-<WRAP 516px> 
-^  NoChatReports  ^^ 
-|{{ nochatreports_unsafe_server.webp?500 |The warning that shows up when connecting to an unsafe server while NoChatReports is enabled.}}|| 
-^Type|[[:Other Feature]]| 
-^In-game description|"Disables the cryptographic signatures that since 1.19 are attached to your chat messages.\\ \\ <color #f55>**WARNING:** If you send chat messages with signatures, your Minecraft account can get reported and globally banned from multiplayer!</color>\\ \\ Even if you only say harmless things in chat, your signed messages can be abused to create a fake chat report that gets your account banned unfairly.\\ \\ If you have to re-enable chat signatures to join a server, consider not using their chat at all. Or play on an alt account that you don't mind losing."| 
-^[[:keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|none| 
-^Source code|[[w7src>net/wurstclient/other_features/NoChatReportsOtf.java]]| 
 NoChatReports is a Wurst feature that removes the [[wp>cryptographic signature|cryptographic signatures]] from the user's chat messages and also hides the user's [[wp>public key]] from the server, in an effort to protect the user against chat reports. NoChatReports is a Wurst feature that removes the [[wp>cryptographic signature|cryptographic signatures]] from the user's chat messages and also hides the user's [[wp>public key]] from the server, in an effort to protect the user against chat reports.
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 {{youtube>DobmW1ZUcbQ}} {{youtube>DobmW1ZUcbQ}}
 {{youtube>gH_q7ZuCJs0}} {{youtube>gH_q7ZuCJs0}}
 +===== Common Questions =====
 +==== Why do I see a "Chat disabled due to missing profile public key. Please try reconnecting." message? ====
 +This message means that the server is refusing to let you chat without enabling chat reports (i.e. disabling NoChatReports). If you have already disabled NoChatReports and are still seeing this message, then you really do need to reconnect.
 +==== How do I get rid of the "Chat disabled due to missing profile public key" message? ====
 +You can get rid of this message by disabling the NoChatReports feature in Wurst and the reconnecting. However, this can be a very dangerous thing to do, as NoChatReports is a security feature designed to protect you from Mojang's deeply flawed chat reporting system. You should only disable it after you have read the [[https://wiki.download.fo/readme/chat-reporting-faq|chat reporting FAQ]] and are absolutely sure that you're comfortable with the risks, such as **potentially losing your Minecraft account**. These risks are not caused by Wurst, they come from Minecraft itself. The same things can happen in vanilla, it just doesn't warn you about it, which is extremely dishonest of Mojang.
 +==== Where can I complain to Mojang about the chat reporting system? ====
 +Use the [[https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us|official feedback site]]:
 +  * [[https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/7320990094733-Player-Chat-Reporting-Feedback-|Give feedback on the chat reporting]]
 +  * [[https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/6977558665997-Mojang-please-for-the-love-of-your-game-don-t-add-a-chat-report-feature-|The most popular request for reverting chat reporting]]
 +==== Why can't I chat when using the Wurst Client? ====
 +You **can** chat when using the Wurst Client. It's just that Wurst protects you from chat reports by default. If you want to chat on unsafe chat reports enforcing servers, you can do so at your own risk by disabling the NoChatReports feature.
 +==== Is it safe to allow chat reporting on Realms? ====
 +**No! Never do this!** Realms have by far the most aggressive form of chat reporting in the entire game. Mojang is constantly monitoring the chat on Realms and banning players without anyone even reporting them. This surveillance is outsourced to underpaid workers who do not care about the context of your messages. They are quick to issue false bans for anything that vaguely sounds like profanity. There are many known examples of this happening.((https://www.reddit.com/r/realms/comments/x5o4wy/just_got_banned_for_a_week_on_my_own_realm/))((https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/xiw3si/minecraft_realm_bans/))((https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/vcbiaq/banned_for_profanity_while_playing_on_a_private/))
 ===== Changes ===== ===== Changes =====
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 |[[update:Wurst 7.27.3]]|NoChatReports will no longer prevent the "Chat message validation failure" disconnect. (MC 1.19.2+)| |[[update:Wurst 7.27.3]]|NoChatReports will no longer prevent the "Chat message validation failure" disconnect. (MC 1.19.2+)|
 |[[update:Wurst 7.35.2]]|NoChatReports now shows up in ClickGUI under the "Chat" category. This should help to reduce confusion when playing on servers that kick you for sending unreportable chat messages.| |[[update:Wurst 7.35.2]]|NoChatReports now shows up in ClickGUI under the "Chat" category. This should help to reduce confusion when playing on servers that kick you for sending unreportable chat messages.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.45]]|On servers that force you to enable chat reports, NoChatReports will now replace the cryptic "Chat disabled due to missing profile public key." message with a better one.|
-{{tag>stealth}}+{{tag>security stealth}}
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +hack.name            : NoChatReports
 +hack.image           : nochatreports_unsafe_server.webp
 +hack.category        : chat
 +hack.in-game description : Disables the cryptographic signatures that since 1.19 are attached to your chat messages.\\ \\ <color #f55>**WARNING:** If you send chat messages with signatures, your Minecraft account can get reported and globally banned from multiplayer!</color>\\ \\ Even if you only say harmless things in chat, your signed messages can be abused to create a fake chat report that gets your account banned unfairly.\\ \\ If you have to re-enable chat signatures to join a server, consider not using their chat at all. Or play on an alt account that you don't mind losing.
 +hack.default keybind : none
 +hack.source code     : net/wurstclient/other_features/NoChatReportsOtf.java, net/wurstclient/mixin/ChatHudMixin.java, net/wurstclient/mixin/ClientPlayNetworkHandlerMixin.java
 ---- ----
nochatreports.1711217646.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/23 18:14 by alexander01998