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nochatreports [2024/07/30 09:07] alexander01998nochatreports [2024/10/09 09:29] (current) alexander01998
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 ====== NoChatReports ====== ====== NoChatReports ======
-<WRAP 516px> 
-^  NoChatReports  ^^ 
-|{{ nochatreports_unsafe_server.webp?500 |The warning that shows up when connecting to an unsafe server while NoChatReports is enabled.}}|| 
-^Type|[[:Other Feature]]| 
-^In-game description|"Disables the cryptographic signatures that since 1.19 are attached to your chat messages.\\ \\ <color #f55>**WARNING:** If you send chat messages with signatures, your Minecraft account can get reported and globally banned from multiplayer!</color>\\ \\ Even if you only say harmless things in chat, your signed messages can be abused to create a fake chat report that gets your account banned unfairly.\\ \\ If you have to re-enable chat signatures to join a server, consider not using their chat at all. Or play on an alt account that you don't mind losing."| 
-^[[:keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|none| 
-^Source code|[[w7src>net/wurstclient/other_features/NoChatReportsOtf.java]]| 
 NoChatReports is a Wurst feature that removes the [[wp>cryptographic signature|cryptographic signatures]] from the user's chat messages and also hides the user's [[wp>public key]] from the server, in an effort to protect the user against chat reports. NoChatReports is a Wurst feature that removes the [[wp>cryptographic signature|cryptographic signatures]] from the user's chat messages and also hides the user's [[wp>public key]] from the server, in an effort to protect the user against chat reports.
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 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +hack.name            : NoChatReports
 +hack.image           : nochatreports_unsafe_server.webp
 +hack.category        : chat
 +hack.in-game description : Disables the cryptographic signatures that since 1.19 are attached to your chat messages.\\ \\ <color #f55>**WARNING:** If you send chat messages with signatures, your Minecraft account can get reported and globally banned from multiplayer!</color>\\ \\ Even if you only say harmless things in chat, your signed messages can be abused to create a fake chat report that gets your account banned unfairly.\\ \\ If you have to re-enable chat signatures to join a server, consider not using their chat at all. Or play on an alt account that you don't mind losing.
 +hack.default keybind : none
 +hack.source code     : net/wurstclient/other_features/NoChatReportsOtf.java, net/wurstclient/mixin/ChatHudMixin.java, net/wurstclient/mixin/ClientPlayNetworkHandlerMixin.java
 ---- ----
nochatreports.1722330426.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/30 09:07 by alexander01998