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nukerlegit [2022/01/20 14:59] alexander01998nukerlegit [2023/02/26 00:16] (current) alexander01998
Line 23: Line 23:
 ^Type|Slider| ^Type|Slider|
 ^In-game description|(none)| ^In-game description|(none)|
-^Default value|4.25+^Default value|4.25m
 The "Range" slider determines how far NukerLegit will reach to break blocks. The "Range" slider determines how far NukerLegit will reach to break blocks.
-The maximum value is only 4.25 because the "NoCheat+" AntiCheat plugin false-flags users as hackers for trying to reach further than this, even though it'perfectly possible in vanilla Minecraft.+The maximum value is only 4.25 because the "NoCheat+" AntiCheat plugin false-flags users as hackers for trying to reach further than this, even though vanilla Minecraft'reach distance is 4.5 blocks in survival mode or 5 blocks in creative mode.
 ==== Mode ==== ==== Mode ====
Line 38: Line 38:
 ^Default value|Normal| ^Default value|Normal|
 ^Possible values|Normal, ID, MultiID, Flat, Smash| ^Possible values|Normal, ID, MultiID, Flat, Smash|
 +The "Mode" setting determines what kind of blocks NukerLegit will break. The default "Normal" mode simply tries to break all blocks around the player. The "ID" and "MultiID" modes restrict the blocks that can be broken to a single type or a list of types, respectively. The "Flat" mode prevents NukerLegit from breaking blocks that are below the player's feet. The "Smash" mode only breaks blocks that can be destroyed instantly, such as tall grass and torches.
 ==== ID ==== ==== ID ====
 ^  ID  ^^ ^  ID  ^^
 ^In-game description|"The type of block to break in ID mode.\\ air = won't break anything"| ^In-game description|"The type of block to break in ID mode.\\ air = won't break anything"|
 ^Default block|[[mc>air]]| ^Default block|[[mc>air]]|
 +The "ID" setting determines what kind of blocks NukerLegit will break in "ID" mode. Unless the "Lock ID" checkbox is checked, left-clicking on a block will change the "ID" setting to that type of block.
 ==== Lock ID ==== ==== Lock ID ====
 ^  Lock ID  ^^ ^  Lock ID  ^^
 ^Type|Checkbox| ^Type|Checkbox|
-^In-game description|"Prevents changing the ID by clicking\\ on blocks or restarting Nuker."|+^In-game description|"Prevents changing the ID by clicking\\ on blocks or restarting NukerLegit."|
 ^Default value|not checked| ^Default value|not checked|
 +The "Lock ID" checkbox prevents the "ID" setting from being changed by clicking on blocks or restarting NukerLegit.
 ==== MultiID List ==== ==== MultiID List ====
Line 55: Line 61:
 ^Type|[[:BlockListSetting|BlockList]]| ^Type|[[:BlockListSetting|BlockList]]|
 ^In-game description|"The types of blocks to break in MultiID mode."| ^In-game description|"The types of blocks to break in MultiID mode."|
-^Default blocks|''ancient_debris'', ''bone_block'', ''clay'', ''coal_ore'', ''diamond_ore'', ''emerald_ore'', ''glowstone'', ''gold_ore'', ''iron_ore'', ''lapis_ore'', ''nether_gold_ore'', ''nether_quartz_ore'', ''redstone_ore''|+^Default blocks|''ancient_debris'', ''bone_block'', ''coal_ore'', ''copper_ore'', ''deepslate_coal_ore'', ''deepslate_copper_ore'', ''deepslate_diamond_ore'', ''deepslate_emerald_ore'', ''deepslate_gold_ore'', ''deepslate_iron_ore'', ''deepslate_lapis_ore'', ''deepslate_redstone_ore'', ''diamond_ore'', ''emerald_ore'', ''glowstone'', ''gold_ore'', ''iron_ore'', ''lapis_ore'', ''nether_gold_ore'', ''nether_quartz_ore'', ''raw_copper_block'', ''raw_gold_block'', ''raw_iron_block'', ''redstone_ore''| 
 +The "MultiID List" setting determines what kind of blocks NukerLegit will break in "MultiID" mode. Unlike the "ID" mode, left-clicking on a block will not make any changes to the list. The list can only be edited by clicking on the "Edit" button. 
 +===== See Also ===== 
 +  * [[Nuker]] 
 +  * [[SpeedNuker]]
 ===== Changes ===== ===== Changes =====
Line 73: Line 86:
 |:::|Added a "[[#Lock ID]]" checkbox to NukerLegit.| |:::|Added a "[[#Lock ID]]" checkbox to NukerLegit.|
 |[[update:Wurst 7.15.1]]|Fixed NukerLegit not rendering properly when extremely far from spawn.| |[[update:Wurst 7.15.1]]|Fixed NukerLegit not rendering properly when extremely far from spawn.|
 +|[[update:Wurst 7.32]]|Fixed NukerLegit not aiming at small blocks correctly.|
 +|:::|Fixed NukerLegit breaking some blocks more slowly than necessary.|
 +|:::|Fixed a typo in the description of NukerLegit's "[[#Lock ID]]" setting.|
 +|:::|Updated the default list of blocks for the "MultiID List" setting in Nuker, NukerLegit and SpeedNuker.|
-{{tag>mining has_blocksetting has_blocklistsetting}}+{{tag>mining griefing stealth has_blocksetting has_blocklistsetting}}
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +hack.name            : 
 +hack.image           : 
 +hack.category        : 
 +hack.in-game description : 
 +hack.default keybind : 
 +hack.source code     : 
 ---- ----
nukerlegit.1642690762.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/20 14:59 by alexander01998