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“AutoFood” redirects here. For the hack that automatically gives food to animals, see FeedAura.

In-game description“Automatically eats food when necessary.”
Default keybindnone
Source codenet/wurstclient/hacks/AutoEatHack.java

AutoEat is a Minecraft hack that makes the player consume food items automatically.


Eat while walking

Eat while walking
In-game description“Slows you down, not recommended.”
Default valuenot checked

Prefer food with

Prefer food with
In-game description(none)
Default valueHigh Saturation
Possible valuesHigh Food Points, High Saturation, Low Food Points, Low Saturation

Controls whether AutoEat will prioritize hunger or saturation. The priority can also be reversed by selecting one of the “Low” options, so that the weakest food items will be consumed first.

Allow hunger effect

Allow hunger effect
In-game description“Rotten flesh applies a harmless 'hunger' effect.
It is safe to eat and useful as emergency food.”
Default valuechecked

Controls whether or not AutoEat can eat rotten flesh.

Allow poison effect

Allow poison effect
In-game description“Poisoned food applies damage over time.
Not recommended.”
Default valuenot checked

Controls whether or not AutoEat can eat spider eyes and pufferfish.

Allow chorus fruit

Allow chorus fruit
In-game description“Eating chorus fruit teleports you to a random location.
Not recommended.”
Default valuenot checked

Controls whether or not AutoEat can eat chorus fruits.


Wurst 1.10Added AutoEat.
Wurst 2.24Added an “Ignore screen” checkbox in AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.8)
AutoEat will no longer open containers, trade with villagers or feed pets when trying to eat. (Minecraft 1.8)
Wurst 5.3Added an “Ignore screen” checkbox in AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.11+)
AutoEat will no longer open containers, trade with villagers or feed pets when trying to eat. (Minecraft 1.11+)
Wurst 6.0Added an “Ignore screen” checkbox in AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.10 & 1.9)
AutoEat will no longer open containers, trade with villagers or feed pets when trying to eat. (Minecraft 1.10 & 1.9)
Wurst 6.8Fixed AutoEat right-clicking on crafting tables when trying to eat.
Wurst 6.32Added an “Eat while walking” checkbox to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12)
Added a “Prefer food with” setting to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12)
Added an “Allow hunger effect” checkbox to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12)
Added an “Allow poison effect” checkbox to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12)
Added an “Allow chorus fruit” checkbox to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12)
Improved AutoEat's search tags. (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12)
Changed the category of AutoEat from “Other” to “Items”. (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12)
Removed AutoEat's “Ignore screen” checkbox. (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12)
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed AutoEat.
Wurst 7.0pre24Re-added AutoEat.
Added an “Eat while walking” checkbox to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.14+)
Added a “Prefer food with” setting to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.14+)
Added an “Allow hunger effect” checkbox to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.14+)
Added an “Allow poison effect” checkbox to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.14+)
Added an “Allow chorus fruit” checkbox to AutoEat. (Minecraft 1.14+)
Improved AutoEat's search tags. (Minecraft 1.14+)
Changed the category of AutoEat from “Other” to “Items”. (Minecraft 1.14+)
Removed AutoEat's “Ignore screen” checkbox. (Minecraft 1.14+)
autoeat.1642146339.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/14 07:45 by alexander01998