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In-game description“Renames the item in your hand.
Syntax: .rename <new_name>
Use $ for colors, use $$ for $.
.rename $cRed Name
(changes the item's name to Red Name)” [Wurst 7 only]
“Renames the item in your hand. Use $ for colors, use $$ for $.” [Wurst 6 only]

.rename is a cheat command in the Minecraft Wurst Client that can be used to rename items in Creative mode. The .rename command always targets the item in the player's main hand slot. If the player is not holding an item in this slot, .rename will throw an error saying “There is no item in your hand.”.

.rename was originally created by Nitrogen-Dioxide in PR#4541).


Main article: Command Syntax

  • .rename <new_name> renames the currently held item to the specified name.
    Within the <new_name> parameter, any $ will be replaced with § (useful for color codes) and any $$ will be replaced with $.


  • .rename Name With Default Style changes the item's name to “Name With Default Style”.

  • .rename $rName Without Italics changes the item's name to “Name Without Italics”.

  • .rename $cRed Name changes the item's name to “Red Name”.

  • .rename Name With Dollar Sign $$ changes the item's name to “Name With Dollar Sign $”.


Wurst 1.12Added .rename. (Thanks to Nitrogen-Dioxide!)
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed .rename.
Wurst 7.0pre18Re-added .rename.
Wurst 7.6.2Fixed .rename not handling color codes correctly.
cmd/rename.1603906188.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/28 17:29 by alexander01998