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using MobESP on a chicken
In-game description“Highlights nearby mobs.”
Default keybindnone

MobESP is a Minecraft hack that draws boxes around and/or lines to nearby mobs. These boxes/lines can be seen through walls, which makes it easier to find the mobs.



In-game description(none)
Default valueBoxes only
Possible valuesBoxes only, Lines only, Lines and boxes

The “Boxes” option draws a colored box around each mob. The “Lines” option draws a straight line from the center of the screen to the center of the mob's hitbox. The “Lines and Boxes” option does both.

Box size

Box size
In-game descriptionAccurate mode shows the exact
hitbox of each mob.
Fancy mode shows slightly larger
boxes that look better.”
Default valueFancy
Possible valuesAccurate, Fancy

Filter invisible

Filter invisible
In-game description“Won't show invisible mobs.”
Default valuenot checked


Wurst 1.7.1 BetaAdded MobESP.
Wurst 2.26 (Minecraft 1.8),
Wurst 5.7 (Minecraft 1.11)
Improved MobESP, PlayerESP and Tracers: They will now draw smoother lines with brighter colors.
Wurst 2.28 (Minecraft 1.8),
Wurst 5.9 (Minecraft 1.11)
MobESP will no longer render on invisible mobs if those are disabled in the Target settings.
PlayerESP, MobESP, ItemESP and Tracers will now use interpolation for smoother rendering.
Wurst 3.0pre1Broke MobESP.
Wurst 3.0pre2Fixed MobESP.
Wurst 6.16ChestESP, ItemESP and MobESP will now use DisplayLists for improved performance.
Wurst 6.19Added a “Tracers” checkbox to MobESP, ItemESP and ChestESP.
Wurst 6.24Replaced the “Tracers” checkbox in PlayerESP, MobESP, ItemESP and ChestESP with a “Style” setting that lets you choose between boxes, lines or both.
Wurst 6.26.1Added a “Box size” setting to MobESP, PlayerESP and ItemESP.
Added a “Filter invisible” checkbox to MobESP. When checked, it won't show invisible mobs.
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed MobESP.
Wurst 7.0pre2Re-added MobESP.
Wurst 7.0pre7Added a “Box size” setting to MobESP, PlayerESP and ItemESP.
Wurst 6.35 (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12),
Wurst 7.12 (Minecraft 1.16+)
Fixed MobESP glitching out when extremely far from spawn.
Wurst 7.15Fixed MobESP's tracer lines not rendering correctly in Minecraft 21w19a and later versions.
mobesp.1620921980.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/13 16:06 by alexander01998