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A custom invisibility potion, created with the .potion command.
In-game description“Changes the effects of the held potion.

Syntax: .potion add (<effect> <amplifier> <duration>)…
.potion set (<effect> <amplifier> <duration>)…
.potion remove <effect>“
Default keybindnone

.potion is a chat command that allows the user to edit the effects of potions.

One can add effects by using .potion add (<effect> <amplifier> <duration>)…, remove effects using .potion remove <effect> or completely override the effects of a potion using .potion set (<effect> <amplifier> <duration>)….

Creative Mode is required to run this command, but it is still very useful for getting around restrictions like banned Invisibility potions, as one can simply take a potion that is not banned (or even a water bottle) and add the desired effects to it.


Main article: Command Syntax

  • .potion add (<effect> <amplifier> <duration>)… adds the specified effect(s) to the potion held in the main hand slot.

  • .potion set (<effect> <amplifier> <duration>)… removes all effects from the potion held in the main hand slot, then adds the specified effect(s).

  • .potion remove <effect> removes the specified effect from the potion held in the main hand slot.


  • .potion set invisibility 1 600 adds Invisibility for 10 minutes to the held potion. Also removes all other effects, if any.

  • .potion set invisibility 1 600 jump_boost 2 30 adds Invisibility for 10 minutes and Jump Boost II for 30 seconds to the held potion. Also removes all other effects, if any.

  • .potion add jump_boost 2 30 adds Jump Boost II for 30 seconds to the held potion, without removing other effects.

  • .potion remove jump_boost removes the Jump Boost effect from the held potion. If the held potion never had the Jump Boot effect, nothing happens.


Wurst 2.2Added .potion.
Wurst 3.0pre1Broke .potion.
Wurst 3.0pre4Fixed .potion.
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed .potion.
Wurst 7.0pre26Re-added .potion.
Improved some of .potion's error messages.
Wurst 7.15.1Fixed a crash when running the .potion command with an invalid potion effect.
cmd/potion.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/17 14:40 by alexander01998