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In-game description“Automatically eats soup when your health is low.

Note: This hack ignores hunger and assumes that eating
soup directly refills your health. If the server you are
playing on is not configured to do that, use AutoEat instead.”
Default keybindnone
Source codenet/wurstclient/hacks/AutoSoupHack.java

AutoSoup is a Minecraft hack that automatically consumes mushroom stew whenever the player's health reaches the value specified in the Health slider.



In-game description“Eats a soup when your health
reaches this value or falls below it.”
Default value6.5 (:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::half_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart:)
Minimum0.5 (:half_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart:)
Maximum9.5 (:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::half_heart:)
Increment0.5 (:half_heart:)


Wurst 2.20Added AutoSoup.
Wurst 2.24AutoSoup will now also work with rabbit stew and beetroot soup.
AutoSoup can now also eat soup while the inventory, a chest or any other kind of screen is open. This behavior can be disabled by unchecking the “Ignore screen” checkbox.
The AutoSoup Health slider now uses hearts instead of health points and AutoSoup will now start eating when the player's health reaches the set value instead of waiting until it goes below that value.
The AutoSoup Health slider is now set to 6.5 hearts (:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::half_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart::empty_heart:) by default, as most servers seem to restore 3.5 hearts (:heart::heart::heart::half_heart:) per soup.
Wurst 3.0pre1Broke AutoSoup.
Wurst 3.0pre4Fixed AutoSoup.
Wurst 5.5AutoSoup will now also work with rabbit stew and beetroot soup.
AutoSoup can now also eat soup while the inventory, a chest or any other kind of screen is open. This behavior can be disabled by unchecking the “Ignore screen” checkbox.
The AutoSoup Health slider now uses hearts instead of health points and AutoSoup will now start eating when the player's health reaches the set value instead of waiting until it goes below that value.
The AutoSoup Health slider is now set to 6.5 hearts by default, as most servers seem to restore 3.5 hearts per soup.
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed AutoSoup.
Wurst 7.0pre26Re-added AutoSoup.
Improved the description of AutoSoup and its settings.
Removed the “Ignore screen” checkbox in AutoSoup.
autosoup.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/14 08:00 by alexander01998