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List of Wurst Logo Images
This page shows the Wurst logo in all of its different versions and sizes. To download any of these images in their original quality, it's important to click on the link under each preview instead of clicking the preview image itself.
For the highest quality version, download this image: Wurst_src.png
Source file with layers: Wurst_src.ufo 1)
The “Wurst brown” color code is ◼#a95300
, the dark gray background color is ◼#101010
, and the text color is black (◼#000000
IMPORTANT: As of 2025-03-21, the Wurst logos with TNT blocks in them are deprecated, because Mojang holds a trademark on the TNT block and has asked us to stop using it in our branding. Please use the plain logo or “BBQ” versions instead. The old TNT versions will continue to be listed on this page for archival purposes, but must no longer be used anywhere else.