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Using BowAimbot to aim at a chicken.
In-game description“Automatically aims your bow or crossbow.” [Wurst 7 only]
“Automatically aims your bow at the closest entity.
Tip: This works with FastBow.” [Wurst 6 only]
Default keybindnone
Source codenet/wurstclient/hacks/BowAimbotHack.java

BowAimbot is a hack that automatically aims the player's bow at nearby entities. In Wurst 7, BowAimbot can also aim crossbows. In Wurst 6, BowAimbot also works with FastBow.



In-game description“Determines which entity will be attacked first.
Distance - Attacks the closest entity.
Angle - Attacks the entity that requires
the least head movement.
Health - Attacks the weakest entity.”
Default valueAngle
Possible valuesDistance, Angle, Health

Predict movement

Predict movement
In-game description“Controls the strength of BowAimbot's
movement prediction algorithm.”
Default value20%

Values around 10% - 20% seem to work best. Before the slider was added, this value was locked to 100%.


BowAimbot uses the Generic Combat Filter List.

ESP color

ESP color
In-game description“Color of the box that BowAimbot
draws around the target.”
Default value#FF0000


Wurst 1.9 BetaAdded BowAimbot.
Wurst 2.4BowAimbot will now aim at moving targets with better accuracy.
Wurst 2.25BowAimbot will now prioritize targets based on their angle to the player's server-side rotation instead of their distance to the player.
Wurst 2.26BowAimbot will now start aiming before the bow is fully drawn if it is already possible to hit the target.
Redesigned BowAimbot.
Wurst 3.0pre1Broke BowAimbot.
Wurst 3.0pre3Fixed BowAimbot.
Wurst 5.7BowAimbot will now start aiming before the bow is fully drawn if it is already possible to hit the target.
Redesigned BowAimbot.
Wurst 6.34Added the “Filter players”, “Filter sleeping”, “Filter flying”, “Filter monsters”, “Filter pigmen”, “Filter endermen”, “Filter animals”, “Filter babies”, “Filter pets”, “Filter traders”, “Filter golems”, “Filter invisible”, “Filter named”, “Filter armor stands” and “Filter crystals” settings to BowAimbot.
BowAimbot will now “lock” its target again, just like it did in older versions.
Added a “Predict movement” slider to BowAimbot.
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed BowAimbot.
Wurst 7.0pre26Re-added BowAimbot.
Added a "Priority" setting to BowAimbot.
Added filters to BowAimbot.
Added crossbow support to BowAimbot.
Wurst 7.5Added a “Filter armor stands” checkbox to BowAimbot.
BowAimbot can now target end crystals.
Added a “Filter end crystals” checkbox to BowAimbot.
BowAimbot's Priority setting is now set to “Distance” by default.
Replaced the “Filter villagers” checkbox in BowAimbot with a “Filter traders” checkbox.
Wurst 7.6Added a “Filter named” checkbox to BowAimbot.
BowAimbot will now “lock” its target again, just like it did in older versions.
Added a “Predict movement” slider to BowAimbot.
Wurst 7.17Added an “ESP color” setting to BowAimbot.
bowaimbot.1676663904.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/17 19:58 by alexander01998