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List of Contributors

Grouped by repository, then sorted by name of contributor, then sorted by PR number (if known).

There is no guarantee that this list is complete! If you find that anything is missing, please add it.

Wurst 7

Mo Glass

    • translated Mo Glass to Chinese (both variants) (PR#1 and PR#3)
    • translated Mo Glass to Spanish (all seven variants) (PR#5)
    • translated Mo Glass to Russian. (PR#6)
  • Rakkela
    • translated Mo Glass to Oshiwambo (Oshindonga and Oshikwanyama variants).

WI Zoom


  • none (just Alexander)

Wurst MC 1.12

  • none (just Alexander)

Wurst MC 1.12-OF

  • none (just Alexander)

Wurst MC 1.11

  • none (just Alexander)

Wurst MC 1.11-OF

  • none (just Alexander)

Wurst MC 1.10

Wurst MC 1.9

Wurst MC 1.8

This data may be incomplete. Since the original Wurst-MC-1.8 repository is no longer available, this data is instead based on the Internet Archive and the Wurst-Imperium-Archival/Wurst-MC-1.8 repository.

Wurst MC 1.7

  • none (just Alexander)

Private Beta testers:

  • gruenwald32
  • Marka2000
list_of_contributors.1626164288.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/13 08:18 by alexander01998