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Using TabGUI to enable AntiSpam in Wurst 7.19 MC1.18.1.
TypeOther Feature
In-game description“Allows you to quickly toggle hacks while playing.
Use the arrow keys to navigate.

Change the HackList Position setting to Right to prevent TabGUI from overlapping with the HackList.”
Default keybindnone

TabGUI is a Wurst feature that allows the user to enable and disable hacks using the arrow keys and Enter. Unlike ClickGUI and Navigator, this does not require the user to stop what they are doing and open a separate screen. TabGUI can be used while walking, mining, fighting, etc. without any interruptions.


Visualization of TabGUI's controls on an ANSI 104 keyboard.
Up ArrowSelect previous entry.
Down ArrowSelect next entry.
Right ArrowOpen category.
Left ArrowClose category.
EnterToggle selected feature.

These controls cannot be customized (yet).



In-game description(none)
Default valueDisabled
Possible valuesEnabled, Disabled

“Status” determines whether or not TabGUI is enabled. Since TabGUI is of type Other Feature rather than Hack, it cannot be enabled or disabled directly. This setting acts as a workaround for that.


Wurst 6.19YesCheat+ can now be accessed from the ClickGUI and the TabGUI.
Wurst 6.21Added a “UI Settings” window that allows you to customize the opacity, background color and accent color of the ClickGUI (including Navigator & TabGUI).
Wurst 6.7Added TabGUI.
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed TabGUI.
Wurst 7.0pre27Re-added TabGUI.
Wurst 7.15.3Fixed TabGUI crashing the game.
unknown version FIXMERenamed TabGUI to TabGui.
Wurst 7.19Renamed TabGui to TabGUI.
tabgui.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/18 16:36 by alexander01998