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The .help entry for .blocklist.
In-game description“Changes a BlockList setting of a feature. Allows you
to change these settings through keybinds.

Syntax: .blocklist <feature> <setting> add <block>
.blocklist <feature> <setting> remove <block>
.blocklist <feature> <setting> list [<page>]
.blocklist <feature> <setting> reset
Example: .blocklist Nuker MultiID_List add gravel”
Default keybindnone
Source codenet/wurstclient/commands/BlockListCmd.java

.blocklist is a chat command that that allows the user to manage BlockListSettings through the chat.

Since any .blocklist command can be turned into a keybind, this command also makes it possible to create keybinds that instantly change a BlockListSetting when a key is pressed.

The following features currently have a BlockListSetting and thus can be used with .blocklist:


Main article: Command Syntax

  • .blocklist <feature> <setting> add <block> adds <block> to <setting> of <feature>.

  • .blocklist <feature> <setting> remove <block> removes <block> from <setting> of <feature>.

  • .blocklist <feature> <setting> list [<page>] lists the blocks in <setting> of <feature>.

  • .blocklist <feature> <setting> reset resets <setting> of <feature> to its default values.


  • .blocklist Nuker MultiID_List add gravel adds gravel to Nuker's MultiID List setting, so that Nuker will break gravel blocks whenever it's in MultiID mode.

  • .blocklist Nuker MultiID_List list lists the blocks in Nuker's MultiID List setting.

  • .blocklist Nuker MultiID_List list 2 shows page 2 of Nuker's MultiID List setting, if it contains enough blocks to be 2 pages long.

  • .blocklist Nuker MultiID_List remove gravel removes gravel from Nuker's MultiID List setting.

  • .blocklist Nuker MultiID_List reset resets Nuker's MultiID List setting to the default values.


Wurst 7.20Added .blocklist.
cmd/blocklist.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/19 07:39 by alexander01998