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InvWalk and its settings in ClickGUI.
In-game description“Allows you to move around while the inventory is open.” [Wurst 7 only]
“Allows you to walk while the inventory is open.” [Wurst 6 only]
Default keybindnone
Source codenet/wurstclient/hacks/InvWalkHack.java

InvWalk is a Minecraft hack that allows the user to walk, jump, sprint, and sneak while the inventory screen is open. Depending on the settings, InvWalk can also allow the same movements while ClickGUI or most of Minecraft's in-game screens are open.

The Wurst 6 version of InvWalk does not have any settings and only works with the regular inventory screen.


Allow ClickGUI

Allow ClickGUI [Wurst 7 only]
In-game description“Allows you to move around while Wurst's ClickGUI is open.”
Default valuechecked

This only applies to ClickGUI's main screen. The screens for precise editing of slider values, colors, BlockLists, etc. still do not allow movement when this setting is enabled, since all of these screens have textboxes and some even block the player's view entirely.

Allow other screens

Allow other screens [Wurst 7 only]
In-game description“Allows you to move around while other in-game screens are open (e.g. chest, horse, villager trading), unless the screen has a text box.”
Default valuechecked

There is no set list of screens that are included in this category. Instead, any in-game screen1) that does not contain a textbox2) is included. Any modded screen that fulfills these criteria will also work with InvWalk.

In vanilla, the following screens fulfill the “other screens” criteria.

Unfortunately Minecraft does not currently have tags for screens that could be used to better categorize them into, for example, containers, mounts, and trading. This is why InvWalk doesn't currently have separate settings for these categories.

Allow sneak key

Allow sneak key
In-game description(none)
Default valuechecked

Enabling this option allows the user to sneak while the inventory / ClickGUI / other screen is open.

Allow sprint key

Allow sprint key
In-game description(none)
Default valuechecked

Enabling this option allows the user to sprint by pressing the sprint key (default: Left CTRL) while the inventory / ClickGUI / other screen is open. Even when this setting is turned off, it is still possible to sprint by double-tapping the forward key (default: W).

Allow jump key

Allow jump key
In-game description(none)
Default valuechecked

Enabling this option allows the user to jump while the inventory / ClickGUI / other screen is open.

See Also

  • NoBackground - Disables the dark overlay behind the inventory and many other screens.


Wurst 2.11Added MenuWalk.
Wurst 2.11.1Hotfix for MenuWalk crash.
Wurst 2.13pre2Fixed MenuWalk breaking Navigator.
Wurst 2.15Fixed MenuWalk preventing the user from respawning.
Wurst 6.6Renamed MenuWalk to InvWalk.
Wurst 7.23Added InvWalk. (Thanks to TheWienerMaster!)
Wurst 7.24Added InvWalk settings to disable the sneak, sprint, and jump keys.
net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.HandledScreen when using Yarn mappings
net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.TextFieldWidget when using Yarn mappings
used by chests and many server plugins
used by dispensers and some server plugins
invwalk.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/01 19:32 by alexander01998