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Using MultiAura in a pig farm.
In-game description“Faster Killaura that attacks multiple entities at once.”
Default keybindK
Source codenet/wurstclient/hacks/MultiAuraHack.java

MultiAura is a Minecraft hack that attacks entities around the player. Unlike Killaura, MultiAura can attack multiple entities at the same time.



In-game description(none)
Default value5.0

“Range” determines how far MultiAura will reach to attack entities.


In-game description“Attack speed in clicks per second.
0 = dynamically adjusts the speed to match your attack cooldown.”
Default value0 (use cooldown)
Minimum0 (use cooldown)
Maximum20 CPS
Increment0.1 CPS

The “Speed” slider determines how many times per second to attack the target1). When set to zero, it dynamically adjusts the speed based on the attack cooldown, such that each attack will deal the highest possible damage.

This is a generic slider used in multiple hacks.


In-game description(none)
Default value360.0

The “FOV” slider limits how far MultiAura will move the player's head in order to face and then attack entities. Any entity that is outside of this field of view will not be attacked at all.

The FOV generally goes “both ways around”: An FOV setting of 180° will attack any entities that are up to 90° away in any direction, resulting a 180° cone centered around where the player is facing. Similarly, an FOV setting of 90° creates a 90° cone where anything up to 45° away can be attacked, and so on. An FOV setting of 360° will attack targets all around the player.

The FOV setting takes both horizontal and vertical rotation into account and is always based on the player's client-side facing.

Pause on containers

An example of Hypixel's chest-like menus.
Pause on containers
In-game description“Won't attack while a container screen (chest, hopper, etc.) is open.
Useful for minigame servers that display chest-like menus.”
Default valuechecked

As the in-game description says, this checkbox pauses all attacks when the user opens a container, such as a chest or hopper. More importantly, it also pauses all attacks when a server like Hypixel displays some kind of menu using a fake chest.

This is a generic checkbox used in multiple hacks.


MultiAura uses the Generic Combat Filter List.


Wurst 1.10 BetaAdded MultiAura.
Wurst 2.17Fixed a bug when using MultiAura together with Criticals that made you hop around all the time, even if no valid entities were nearby.
Wurst 3.0pre4MultiAura will now work with the new attack cooldown.
Wurst 3.3MultiAura can now override the settings of Killaura with its own ones.
Wurst 4.5MultiAura will now only search for a target once it's ready for the next attack, increasing its performance.
Improved MultiAura performance: It will no longer process more entities than it needs to.
Fixed MultiAura ignoring the speed slider.
Wurst 5.1Fixed EntityUtils using an outdated entity list sometimes. (This caused MultiAura, Follow and some other things to not target some entities.)
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed MultiAura.
Wurst 7.0pre25Re-added MultiAura.
Wurst 7.0pre26Fixed MultiAura not being disabled automatically when using other Killauras.
Wurst 7.5Added a “Filter armor stands” checkbox to MultiAura.
All of Wurst's Killauras can now target end crystals.
Replaced the “Filter villagers” checkbox in MultiAura with a “Filter traders” checkbox: when checked, it won't target villagers, wandering traders or modded traders.
Wurst 7.6Added a “Filter named” checkbox to MultiAura. When checked, it won't attack name-tagged entities.
Wurst 7.21Re-added the FOV setting in MultiAura.
Wurst 7.27Added a “Pause on containers” setting to MultiAura.
This is sometimes called APS or CPS in other clients.
multiaura.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/26 14:20 by alexander01998