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In-game description“Slower Killaura that is harder to detect.
Not required on normal NoCheat+ servers!”
Default keybindnone
Source codenet/wurstclient/hacks/KillauraLegitHack.java

KillauraLegit is a Minecraft hack that automatically attacks entities around the player, similar to Killaura.

Unlike Killaura, KillauraLegit faces its target on the client-side. This means that the user cannot look around freely while using KillauraLegit. Other players on the server will see the user facing the target correctly, regardless of whether they are using Killaura or KillauraLegit.



In-game description(none)
Default value4.25

The “Range” slider determines how far KillauraLegit will reach to attack entities.

The maximum value is only 4.25 because the “NoCheat+” AntiCheat plugin false-flags users as hackers for trying to reach further than this, even though it's perfectly possible in vanilla Minecraft.


In-game description“Attack speed in clicks per second.
0 = dynamically adjusts the speed to match your attack cooldown.”
Default value0 (use cooldown)
Minimum0 (use cooldown)
Maximum20 CPS
Increment0.1 CPS

The “Speed” slider determines how many times per second to attack the target1). When set to zero, it dynamically adjusts the speed based on the attack cooldown, such that each attack will deal the highest possible damage.

This is a generic slider used in multiple hacks.

Rotation Speed

Rotation Speed
In-game description(none)
Default value600°/s

The “Rotation Speed” slider limits how fast KillauraLegit will rotate the player's head in order to face the target. The higher the value, the faster the rotation will be.


In-game description“Determines which entity will be attacked first.
Distance - Attacks the closest entity.
Angle - Attacks the entity that requires
the least head movement.
Health - Attacks the weakest entity.”
Default valueAngle
Possible valuesDistance, Angle, Health

The “Priority” setting determines which entity will be attacked first when multiple entities are in range. “Angle” is selected by default and generally recommended, because it minimizes the amount of head movements generated by KillauraLegit. This makes it easier to evade detection by server plugins, as many AntiCheat plugins flag users for moving their head too quickly.


In-game description(none)
Default value360°

The “FOV” slider limits how far KillauraLegit will move the player's head in order to face and then attack an entity. Any entity that is outside of this field of view will not be attacked at all.

The FOV generally goes “both ways around”: An FOV setting of 180° will attack any entities that are up to 90° away in any direction, resulting a 180° cone centered around where the player is facing. Similarly, an FOV setting of 90° creates a 90° cone where anything up to 45° away can be attacked, and so on. An FOV setting of 360° will attack targets all around the player.

The FOV setting takes both horizontal and vertical rotation into account and is always based on the player's client-side facing.

Damage indicator

Damage indicator
Example of KillauraLegit's damage indicator visualizing the remaining health of a creeper.
In-game description“Renders a colored box within the target, inversely proportional to its remaining health.”
Default valuechecked

The “Damage indicator” checkbox enables a visual indicator that shows the remaining health of the entity that is currently being attacked. The indicator is a colored box that is rendered within the entity's hitbox. The color and size of the box is determined by the remaining health of the entity.


KillauraLegit's filters are very similar to the Generic Combat Filter List. The only difference is that KillauraLegit's filters have stricter default values, as shown in the table below:

Filter nameDefault value
Filter playersnot checked
Filter sleepingchecked
Filter flying0.5m
Filter monstersnot checked
Filter pigmennot checked
Filter endermennot checked
Filter animalsnot checked
Filter babiesnot checked
Filter petsnot checked
Filter tradersnot checked
Filter golemsnot checked
Filter invisiblechecked
Filter namednot checked
Filter armor standsnot checked
Filter end crystalsnot checked


Wurst 1.10 BetaAdded KillauraLegit.
Wurst 2.25KillauraLegit will now prioritize targets based on their angle to the player's rotation instead of their distance to the player.
Fixed KillauraLegit rotating too quickly.
Wurst 2.9Added an FOV slider to KillauraLegit.
Wurst 3.0pre4KillauraLegit will now work with the new attack cooldown.
KillauraLegit will now work better with Criticals.
KillauraLegit will now face entities more quickly.
Wurst 3.3KillauraLegit can now override the settings of Killaura with its own ones.
Wurst 4.5KillauraLegit will now only search for a target once it's are ready for the next attack.
Fixed KillauraLegit moving the player's head slowly when set to a slow attack speed.
Wurst 5.6.2KillauraLegit will now prioritize targets based on their angle to the player's server-side rotation instead of their distance to the player.
Fixed KillauraLegit rotating too quickly.
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed KillauraLegit.
Wurst 7.0pre14Re-added KillauraLegit.
Wurst 7.0pre26Fixed KillauraLegit trying to disable itself while getting enabled, causing it to attack things while it's supposed to be off.
Wurst 7.5Added a “Filter armor stands” checkbox to KillauraLegit.
KillauraLegit can now target end crystals.
Replaced the “Filter villagers” checkbox in KillauraLegit with a “Filter traders” checkbox.
Wurst 7.6Added a “Filter named” checkbox to KillauraLegit.
Wurst 7.13Fixed KillauraLegit not facing its target properly.
Wurst 7.15.1Fixed KillauraLegit not rendering properly when extremely far from spawn.
Wurst 7.21Re-added the FOV setting in KillauraLegit.
Wurst 7.23Added a “Damage indicator” checkbox to Killaura and KillauraLegit. (Thanks to sudofox!)
Wurst 7.27KillauraLegit will no longer attack at all when a container or even the player's inventory screen is open.
Wurst 7.32KillauraLegit will now aim a lot more smoothly (much like AimAssist).
Added a “Rotation Speed” slider to KillauraLegit: Determines how fast the player's head will turn towards the target. The default value is 600 degrees per second.
Added a description to KillauraLegit's “FOV” setting.
Generally improved the aiming logic. All hacks that aim at things should now be a little bit harder for anti-cheat plugins to detect.
This is sometimes called APS or CPS in other clients.
killauralegit.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/26 14:14 by alexander01998