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Table of Contents
List of Contributors
Grouped by repository, then sorted by name of contributor, then sorted by PR number (if known).
There is no guarantee that this list is complete! If you find that anything is missing, please add it.
Wurst 7
- created the original NocomCrash hack (Wurst7:560)
- created the No Chat Reports mod that Wurst's NoChatReports feature is based on
- helped with Navigator (Wurst7:200)
- helped with the AutoSign hack (Wurst7:122)
- helped with the MobSpawnESP hack (Wurst7:40)
- helped with SkinStealer (Wurst7:103)
- created the original AutoTotem hack (Wurst7:108)
- helped with AltManager (Wurst7:48)
- created the original ChatTranslator hack (Wurst7:52)
- helped with AltManager (Wurst7:590)
- helped with the AntiKnockback hack (Wurst7:63)
- created the original NoBackground hack (Wurst7:64)
- helped with the ChestESP hack (Wurst7:209)
- helped with the AutoFarm hack (Wurst7:286)
- helped with mod compatibility (Wurst7:43)
- helped with mod compatibility (Wurst7:550)
- helped with the Jesus hack (Wurst7:483)
- helped with the AntiSpam hack (Wurst7:147)
- helped with the AntiBlind hack (Wurst7:180)
- helped with the HealthTags hack (Wurst7:137)
- helped with the FeedAura hack (Wurst7:234)
- helped with the X-Ray hack (Wurst7:458)
- helped with the PathFinder (Wurst7:571)
- helped with the AutoSteal hack (Wurst7:205)
- created the original NoLevitation hack (Wurst7:212)
- helped with the settings (Wurst7:420)
- created the original InvWalk hack (Wurst 7 only, InvWalk in Wurst 6 is different) (Wurst7:414)
- fixed a security issue (Wurst7:120)
- created the original VanillaSpoof hack (Wurst7:143)
- helped with the Search hack (Wurst7:100)
- created the original PortalGUI hack (Wurst7:114)
- helped with the Fullbright hack (Wurst7:117)
- created the original MountBypass hack (Wurst7:97)
- helped with the MobSpawnESP hack (Wurst7:470)
- helped with the AntiBlind hack (Wurst7:667)
- helped with the TreeBot hack (Wurst7:462)
Wurst 7 Translations
Listed separately due to the large number of translations. Sorted by language, then sorted by name of contributor.
- Chinese (Mainland China)
- Chinese (Taiwan)
- Cantonese (Hong Kong)
- Czech (Czech Republic)
- French (France)
- Italian (Italy)
- Japanese (Japan)
- Polish (Poland)
- Romanian (Romania)
- Russian (Russia)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
Mo Glass
- translated Mo Glass to Chinese (Traditional and Simplified). (Mo-Glass:1 and Mo-Glass:3)
- translated Mo Glass to French (France). (Mo-Glass:21 and Mo-Glass:22)
- translated Mo Glass to Spanish (all seven variants). (Mo-Glass:5)
- translated Mo Glass to Russian (Russia). (Mo-Glass:6)
- Rakkela34)
- translated Mo Glass to Oshiwambo (Oshindonga and Oshikwanyama variants).
- helped to reduce the file size of Mo Glass. (Mo-Glass:19)
- translated Mo Glass to Italian (Italy). (Mo-Glass:14)
WI Zoom
- translated WI Zoom to French. (WI-Zoom:19)
- translated WI Zoom to Estonian. (WI-Zoom:14)
- helped with the zoom in Wurst 735)
- translated WI Zoom to Russian. (WI-Zoom:3)
- none (just Alexander)
Wurst MC 1.12
- none (just Alexander)
Wurst MC 1.12-OF
- none (just Alexander)
Wurst MC 1.11
- none (just Alexander)
Wurst MC 1.11-OF
- none (just Alexander)
Wurst MC 1.10
- helped with Navigator (Wurst-MC-1.10:42)
- created the original NoOverlay hack (Wurst-MC-1.10:47)
- created the original NoWeather hack (Wurst-MC-1.10:34)
- mcccs (deleted account)36)
- helped with the NoWalls hack (Wurst-MC-1.10:8)
- created the original NoWalls hack (Wurst-MC-1.10:8)
Wurst MC 1.9
- helped with Minecraft 1.9.2 compatibility (Wurst-MC-1.9:19)
- helped with the Step hack (Wurst-MC-1.9:27)
- lotsa-spaghetti (formerly kim-yannick)
- helped with the Flight hack
- mcccs (deleted account)37)
- helped with the MassTPA hack (Wurst-MC-1.9:14)
- helped with the .wms command
- helped with the FastLadder hack38)
- fixed a typo (Wurst-MC-1.9:23)
- helped with the Nuker hack (Wurst-MC-1.9:10)
- created the original BonemealAura hack (Wurst-MC-1.9:12)
- created the original LogSpammer hack (Wurst-MC-1.9:17)
- created the original ExtraElytra hack (Wurst-MC-1.9:29)
Wurst MC 1.8
This data may be incomplete. Since the original Wurst-MC-1.8 repository is no longer available, this data is instead based on the Internet Archive and the Wurst-Imperium-Archival/Wurst-MC-1.8 repository.
- lotsa-spaghetti (formerly kim-yannick)
- created the original SessionStealer feature40)
- helped with ServerFinder (Wurst-MC-1.8:2387)43)
- created the original .copyitem command
- helped with the Blink hack
- helped with the AutoLeave hack
- created the original .damage command
- helped with the AutoWalk hack
- helped with the RemoteView hack
- helped with the EventListener system
- helped with the AntiPotion hack
- created the original AutoSoup hack
- created the original AutoSplashPot hack
- helped with the Flight hack
- helped with the Jetpack hack
- helped with the categories
- helped with the Spammer hack
- helped with the auto-updater
- helped with the AntiPotion hack
Wurst MC 1.7
list_of_contributors.1663617674.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/19 20:01 by alexander01998