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An example of using FightBot to fight against skeletons and creepers at night.
In-game description“A bot that automatically walks around and kills everything.
Good for MobArena.”
Default keybindnone
Source codenet/wurstclient/hacks/FightBotHack.java

FightBot is a Minecraft hack that automatically attacks nearby entities and walks towards them if they are too far away. It is most useful for fighting against mobs in mob farms or the MobArena minigame, but it can also be used to fight against other players as long as they are not very skilled or you have significantly better weapons and armor.



In-game description“Attack range (like Killaura)“
Default value4.25m

The “Range” slider determines how far FightBot will reach when attacking its target.


In-game description“Attack speed in clicks per second.
0 = dynamically adjusts the speed to match your attack cooldown.”
Default value0 (use cooldown)
Minimum0 (use cooldown)
Maximum20 CPS
Increment0.1 CPS

The “Speed” slider determines how many times per second to attack the target1). When set to zero, it dynamically adjusts the speed based on the attack cooldown, such that each attack will deal the highest possible damage.

This is a generic slider used in multiple hacks.


In-game description“How closely to follow the target.
This should be set to a lower value than Range.”
Default value3m

The “Distance” slider determines how closely FightBot will follow the target. If the target is further away than this value, FightBot will walk towards it.

This should always be set to a lower value than “Range”, as otherwise FightBot will not be able to attack the target.

Use AI (experimental)

Use AI (experimental)
In-game description(none)
Default valuenot checked

The “Use AI (experimental)” checkbox, when enabled, allows FightBot to use Wurst's AI pathfinder to find the best way to reach its target. When disabled, FightBot will simply walk towards its target in a straight line. This setting is labeled as “experimental” because it is possible for the AI to get stuck in some situations.

Pause on containers

An example of Hypixel's chest-like menus.
Pause on containers
In-game description“Won't attack while a container screen (chest, hopper, etc.) is open.
Useful for minigame servers that display chest-like menus.”
Default valuechecked

As the in-game description says, this checkbox pauses all attacks when the user opens a container, such as a chest or hopper. More importantly, it also pauses all attacks when a server like Hypixel displays some kind of menu using a fake chest.

This is a generic checkbox used in multiple hacks.


FightBot uses the Generic Combat Filter List.


Wurst 1.2 BetaAdded FightBot.
Wurst 4.1Added FightBot settings: Cooldown, Speed, Range, and Distance.
Fixed FightBot ignoring the attack cooldown.
Wurst 4.5FightBot can now fly properly if either creative mode flight or Wurst's Flight hack is enabled.
Fixed ClickAura, FightBot, Killaura and KillauraLegit moving the player's head slowly when set to a slow attack speed.
Fixed FightBot not properly resetting the player's walking state.
Wurst 6.1Updated FightBot. (MC 1.10 & 1.9)
Wurst 6.10Added FightBot AI (optional).
Wurst 7.0pre1Temporarily removed FightBot.
Wurst 7.0pre25Re-added FightBot.
Added filters to FightBot.
Wurst 7.5 (Minecraft 1.14+)
Wurst 6.34 (Minecraft 1.8 & 1.12)
FightBot and other combat hacks can now target end crystals.
Wurst 7.5Added a “Filter armor stands” checkbox to FightBot.
Replaced the “Filter villagers” checkbox in FightBot with a “Filter traders” checkbox.
Wurst 7.6Added a “Filter named” checkbox to FightBot.
Wurst 7.25Added a “Speed” slider to FightBot that determines its attack speed. When set to zero, the speed is dynamically adjusted to match your attack cooldown.
Wurst 7.27Added a “Pause on containers” setting to FightBot.
Wurst 7.31Fixed FightBot and Protect still attacking players if they're in your friends list.
Wurst 7.32Generally improved the aiming logic. All hacks that aim at things should now be a little bit harder for anti-cheat plugins to detect.
This is sometimes called APS or CPS in other clients.
fightbot.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/26 14:14 by alexander01998